7) genesis

( march 2o12 )

The Swiss are fifty-fifty when it comes to liking the will of the European nation and whether it would be wise to participate. The spirit of tolerance of the Brussel's administration gives the union a lot of credibility. But only once there is a clearly defined central authority that has the rights and obligations to reduce its members' individual freedoms in return for the union's stability, once it has the incentive to reduce its federal support to allow the forces of the market or local governments to spur independent innovation, once the executive decision making process can be balanced by moderates in an efficient and fair way, and last but not least, once the EU citizens have the right to veto legislation, only then i am sure, the Swiss will sign the 'contrat social' of the European nations as well.

Until then, an independent Switzerland integrated in the WTO and the UN seems the rational choice. The Helvetic constitution will hopefully provide the minimum stability that a solidly united and modern alpine city-population wants for a decent life and the hope for more in this third chiliad. 

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